Honestly, I have stopped studying physics after a friend moved…no longer a subject that mattered too much to me as I could not geek out over coffee. As for the incorrect statements made, I think I agree with you with all of them, perhaps not.
In saying it applies to the microscopic or subatomic world…that is where it is studied, and readily observable as observable as it is.
It does have an affect on every system it is part of. Just as every part of a system has an affect on the greater system.
Particals affect Atoms affect Molecules and so on until all the multiverse or “god”. There is no question there, however the study of the greater astral bodies does not include large asteroids unless they collide with a large astral body and provides a unique study point. As such, physicists who deal exclusively in the macro world do not use Quantum physics, at least in my experience with explosive physicists or those dealing with fragrance materials, or detergents. It is not a tool they require, there is interest and passing study, but not use in their fields. All of those do deal with microscopic issues, just not sub atomic. The only one I know personally who did any post graduate study on it is currently working on highly focused energy, even there I don’t think that there is any professional use of Quantum mechanics for him at this moment, but I never really asked.
As for magick taking the stance that reality is subjective? That would imply that it only affects the internal perceived reality. Now saying that it is somewhat subjective allows a bit more freedom there. A bent spoon is a bent spoon…there is no subjectivity. How it got bent could be subjective.
As for the differences between magick and PSI, magick is the ritualized version…depending on the system. That one can take things away till he can manifest the result over and over at will, makes it have little difference. Then again that is my take, at least with meditation, I can enter various trance states at will, I still meditate and do the ritual to get there from time to time to observe it from a different perspective or reanalyze it.
As for the belief portion of the statement. I agree, however this has not been adequately experimented on with humans.