I do not know a huge amount on this subject but i thought deeply on how to blow out general relativity
and this is what i came up with, but please no harsh comments if i am wrong.
E=MCsquared right which means that if you move something near the speed of light its mass will fill up and will not be able to take anymore energy.
so say you take the fabric of spacetime and put it in a blender and spacetime moves really really near the speed of light, then everything in the universe could not take more energy so it could not have anymore motion, Time ( comparisons in motion) would not exist anymore. Now scientists at the time said that gravity moves faster than the speed of light because it is instantaneous, so einstein said that gravity was different from other forces because it is the outcome from a curve in spacetime, but time would not exist so gravity and light would be on the same level and could be judged justifiedly and gravity is instantaneous. Does that blow it up. Does that make sense, i would love to hear peoples views and facts which could blow my theory