Acid makes lots of good points, and evocation is a way to essentially exert some psychological control over yourself; the evocation process, but also what it teaches you about yourself when you interact with those archetypes.
Personally I feel that the entities we evoke are both internal, as parts of our own vast psyche, as well as external, as forces inherent in the universe, which become a part of our consciousness simply because it is the interaction of so many universal forces which create the phenomenal world.
The greatest thing I have gained from practicing evocation is knowledge. Evoking the spirit of a thing - whether it's an object, a part of your own consciousness, or a higher force like a planetary energy - creates a conduit of conscious interaction with a force of nature, so that we can communicate with it and understand it from the point of view of objective observation, as well as from that spirit's own point of view.
Being able to observe the spirit objectively, rather than connected to the rest of creation as it manifests a whole thing made of many parts, means that you can see and interpret how it's individual energy affects yourself, and the world around it. It's difficult to understand just what role the energy of Mars plays in your day to day life when you cannot separate it's manifestation from the various other energies at work, as they all blend together for a cumulative effect. When you begin to evoke the planetary energies as spirits, you gain insight into how they work individually, which leads to a greater comprehension of what they mean together. Then, when you're having difficulties, when the energy around you is causing disruption, or when you need to benefit from some particular energy (planetary energies in this case just an example, it goes for zodiacal, elemental, etc.) you will have a keener understanding with which to evaluate your situation.
Being able to communicate with that spirit's point of view, you can learn a lot from them. You can learn about their role in your psyche, their role in the universe, and they can teach you how to maximize or minimize the effect that they have on your life at any given time. They can teach about the use of their various energies, which use we call magick, and the fields of knowledge that their existence supports. Spirits make excellent teachers, and they consider the universe from a very specific perspective that is typically lost on the average human consciousness, because we are amalgamations of many emanations of energy.
They can teach you more than just causal magick, though, that is, magick to accomplish external things - by observing their role in creation, as well as understanding the significance of their energies within yourself and how it affects you from day to day, you can learn from them how to live in harmony with the universe in a more complete way. Some days the energy is good for certain things, some days it's not.
Now when it comes to angels and demons, their role in our own being versus their role in creation is more complicated, I feel, and one must be more careful when trying to learn from them in my opinion. Angels represent essentially the beneficent, nurturing, helpful aspect of the creative forces in reality, while demons represent the materialistic, baser aspect. An angel will work on a higher level, bringing you into contact with the energies that will help you attain what you want, while a demon will act on a material level to cause what you want to happen to come about. Material existence is survival of the fittest, a process of evolution that requires sacrifice of the lesser forms of material manifestation in order to move forward. No such laws govern the higher forces of reality. So a demon may help you accomplish something by stepping on one or more people to manipulate the direction of some money, for instance - an angel will bring you realizations, show you opportunities, and lead you on a spiritual journey to understand the nature of what you want and how to get it while nurturing yourself and doing good in the process.
And its in how they operate that you can understand what you learn from these two classes of entities. Demons can teach you how to get around and manipulate the material world to your own ends. And anything that a demon is said to be able to do, or to govern, it can teach you about. Those are sometimes apparently misleading - for instance a demon that is said to cause illness or cure it can teach about the nature of disease, medicines, etc, from a material point of view, and can help you to grasp these subjects materially. An Angel similarly teaches about the subject and actions that it governs, but it will teach you the spiritual significance of these things and how to gain from that knowledge a greater harmony with creation in the long run.
I think anyone who wants to practice evocation ought to have some idea of what they want to get out of the practice before they begin, and allow that desire to evolve as they go along - because experience is bound to help one develop and deeper understanding of the practice itself, what it can gain you, and how you can get the best advantage from it. There are even spirits who teach about evocation and what it can be used for. Whether its a way to explore yourself or the world around you - the higher or lower aspects of creation - is really up to you and what you decide you want to get out of it.
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.