Each power has its bad side.
Invisibility - You may end up seeing something you weren't meant to see, or should never see.
Flight - You think you're never gonna hit anything? Also, what if someone sees you? Have fun explaining it to the government when you get captured.
Telekinesis - Dropping a hammer on your foot by accident. But ten times as heavy. Not fun.
Telepathy - You would probably begin listening to other peoples' thoughts without even realizing it. You'd either go mad from voices in your head or something.
Teleportation - Miscalculate your destinationan and you're inside solid matter. Ow.
Shapeshifting - Get stepped on, shot by a hunter, etc.
Finder - Seems safe, but you may be led into a trap if anyone knows your power.
Pass through solids - Sleepwalking to the center of the earth. 'nuff said.
Know history - Brush up against a friend by accident, find out they murdered 10 people or something to that effect.
That said, my vote goes for telekinesis. A bit slower than flight, but you could still fly anywhere. Bend solid matter out of the way instead of passing through it. Don't find an item by it's location, just draw it towards you. Several powers in one.