Acid, dont forget that whenever you do magick you are a beacon for not only the good energies and entitities that will help you achieve your goal, but for the negative energies and entities as well. Its these negative energies that we use a circle for. Not to mention that a circle/bubble also help hold the energy in so it combines and gets more focused before release into the cosmos...
Spellcasting in general is a form of magick that generally doesnt require a circle or bubble. The same with candle magick.
However, in my training, Ceremonial Magick Does. Whether its a circle cast by physical ritual or by astral ritual or out of habit, it doesnt matter. That fact that does matter is that its there with anything you do ritualistically speaking... Remember "as above, so below." While you are performing your ritual in the physical plane, You are also, or should also be performing it in the astral.
The many facets of a diamond/STAR are never noticable from any one angle upon which they are viewed.