At my families old cabin there was this old porch on the front that had been there since the house was first built in like 1920. So it was old. We noticed some the nails were comming loose and had to hammer them back in. What was happening was the nails were loosing their grip and people walking across it generated enough force to cause some of the nails to start to slip out of their place. Eventually we just tore it down and built a whole new porch. But what is sound like to me is that for whatever reason this one nail is in a piece of old wood, probably has been there for a long time and its just in need of being replaced.
What I would do is drive the nail with a hammer back in place. Then jump around, stomp your foot walk by it alot and see if you can't make it come back out. My guess is the more commotion you create the faster that nail will pop back out. If that doesn't explain it take out the old nail and try driving a new one in the same place as the first. If this new nail also comes out then you pretty much know its not the nail, its the wood. Again if the wood is old it'll warp and become more pliable, meaning that if you apply enough force to it, it can cause nails to come out. So that just means you need to replace the wood.
If you want to prove the nail is magickal I would totally replace the old wood with new and use that same old nail. If comes out then, then thats something interesting.
Of course if you don't want to deal with this mysterious nail altogether try replacing it with a screw. Now if THAT pops out then you KNOW some freaky mojo is a foot! (IMG:
This post has been edited by Acid09: Dec 18 2007, 06:43 PM