am mainly interested in evoking elements or elemental enerrgy. I read about someone who does this for artistic inspiration or unconvering a talent and or potentials(which is what im interested in). This person I think it was a moderator on this forum would evoke the air elemental energies to aid in his inspiration in creating an art project or writing a paper.
do i still need to be grounded on earth to have success in evoking an air elemental energy or other elemental energies???
how about evoking the earth elemental energy?? Do i have to be grounded on earth for the operation for evoking the earth element energies to be a success??
Use salt for you circle. It cooresponds directly with the element of earth. Technically if you conjure anything its suppose to be on hallowed grounds of some nature. But I've had success using salt or dirt from a sacred place. I would not work in doors and be sure you dot your i's and cross your t's when you're finished.
Scott Cunningham's books "Earth Power: Techniques of natural magic" and "Earth, Air, Fire Water: More techniques of natural magic" are probably easily accessible and I think they are very well written for begginers, imho.