What about a group egregore? I imagine that it's something that most of those interested here could work with - not everyone is conversant with animistic elements of the world, devas, spirits, etc - and for that matter, it could be spread around.
Anyone familiar with fotamecus? A time servitor that became quite powerful - I use him on occasion if the need arises. He helps the magician manipulate time.
I was thinking something of a combination - such larger servitors tend to be capable of running more than one command line. Or, for that matter, a governing servitor and subordinates.
I was brainstorming on this a bit earlier today, and though that there are several issues at work here, and several angles - but firing magic away at each of them separately seems a bit haphazard if we're talking about uniting in an effort to cause a change.
What I came up with in brief was this: One Egregore, who's purpose is to coordinate the will of the involved parties with the actions of a number of subordinate entities. One subordinate for instance could be tasked with drawing the attention of the general populace to this transgression. Another could be tasked with carrying energy to the devas of the amazon; another to create delays and general mischief with the parties impinging on the jungle. As long as the governing entity's only task is to coordinate the subordinates, and each servitor maintains only it's primary function, there are no crossed wires. It's a system I use to assist me with my education, and while I contemplated this issue, it occurred that for such a mass endeavor, it could help focus the will of the involved magicians towards one effort, while still utilizing that power effectively on multiple fronts.
A group project like that would require a core ritual for contacting and empowering the egregore - "core" as in, fitted into each magician's personal paradigm, while still maintaining the essential elements tied to the specific entity in question. Fotamecus works on a similar principle - there is a core ritual 'keyed' to that specific entity, but the ritual can be carried out in virtually any paradigm. The servitors would be constructed separately but in conjunction with the governing entity, and would be included in the ritual as peripheral elements. I have my own paradigm of sigilization and entity creation which is fitted towards the end of linking multiple sigils or servitors. In this instance I think a servitor sigil would be best, as opposed to a physical base like a figurine or crystal, unless such figurines could be mass produced. A 'green man' type figure with a number of subordinate sprites dancing around him or some such. But, time is a factor, they will not wait long to cut a swath through the jungle. In fact, I think they are not waiting at all.
Let's here some thoughts, I am already working out the sigils themselves just in case this takes as a good approach.
I was thinking the egregore itself would be exposed as a sigil only to those parties actually helping the work. The other involved with drawing attention to the issue could be placed in public places. There could even be a subordinate with the purpose of gathering energy on a regular basis (I don't like working this into another function, as it can cross wires).
edit: Another approach that just occurred to me is an egregore tasked with coordinating the efforts of multiple magicians. Possible more simple, and thus focused, and also requiring nothing more of individual practitioners than to have the sigil present during your own work. The egregore handles the energies. While the theory is sound according to converging experiences on the matter, my concern is that under so much pressure from what ultimately amounts to many different kinds of energies in varying qualities and quantities, that the egregore could just be washed away. But, I think that the counter to that is still for a core empowerment ritual to fortify the entity - simply performed prior to the work specifically towards the preservation of the Amazon.
As a side note, is anyone aware of the names of spirits governing that region of the earth? From any tradition? (they tend to represent the same conceptual energy when you analyze them, when there are multiple names)
This post has been edited by Vagrant Dreamer: Jan 20 2008, 12:29 AM
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.