I also am not a christian, but In Genesis 1:14 it says, "God said, 'There shall be lights in the heavenly sky to divide between day and night. They shall serve as omens and define festivals, days and years.'"
That sounds to me like God intended the movements of the stars to be significant in our lives, to give us insight into God's will for us personally and for the ages - after all the bible may be quite a story and for many answers a great deal of moral questions, but for all other aspects of God's will on earth, we are left in the dark. Do you think that God truly intended to leave us hanging in that respect, ignorant of his plan for the world that we live in and for our individual lives?
Originally, Jesus (Christ) was a jewish radical who simply had a different view on judaic religion, and very likely had a poor view of the political nature of the religion at the time as they negotiated away their culture and faith with the romans. It's important to take the bible and everything in it in context with it's place in history and culture. However, the point is that Jesus never suggested that astrology was a sin. And in the old testament there are references to astrology, palmistry, and other forms of divination, and the jewish people of the time were a very mystical culture. Take jewish kabbalah for instance.
While of course judaism and christianity are different religions, it should be remembered that they have become more different over time - originally they were very much the same religion, plus a slightly more individually compassionate philosophy on the part of Jesus.
I suppose I have complaints on the suggestion that you need to do anything to remain a 'good person' in god's eyes, but then, I'm not a christian so I suppose my views are founded on different understanding of the divine.
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.