QUOTE(Acid09 @ Jan 29 2008, 04:29 AM)
Decending stairs is often associated with self avoidance, putting one's self down, and just not making much progress in life. The sluggish sensation is probably your unconsciousness' interpretation of feeling overwhelmed and just worn down by the path you are currently on. You trying hasten your trip down the stair signifiies cutting corners, avoiding doing what needs to be done to end this current trend in life. The dark setting just underscores the over all meloncholy tone.
Hey there Acid. I appreciate your input and have considered the implications, most of it qiute illuminating. I agree that I put myself down alot and don't feel as though i'm making any progress in life apart from in decadance. I am very worn out on the path I am on, if you can really call it a path, its more like the Not Path path because it leads to Nothing, vouching for the melancholic theme of the first dream.
the "sluggish" feeling first encountered on the staircase is to me more than a sense of overwhelming, it was more like trying to stop me running... running away from the people who were chasing me, I don't know why they were chasing me, I don't even really know whether they were angry or not all I know was I was being chased and was being 'intercepted' by this unseen force. Maybe I should just go to the people who are chasing me instead of going away from them.
QUOTE(Acid09 @ Jan 29 2008, 04:29 AM)
Running from the authorities signifies guilt, knowing that you are breaking the law, doing harm to yourself or others or otherwise doing what you believe is wrong. The fence is a barrier that is trying to stop you to look at what you are doing and face personal responsibility. By jumping over the fence you are avoiding the consequences of your actions and ultimately hurting yourself. You running when you were grabbed shows fear, perhaps disdain towards what the officer represented. Perhaps you are trying to break down your moral up bringing, but you cannot complete this process until you fully face it and give it recognition first.
I don't recall having a sense of guilt in the dream nor that I had done anything wrong, its just they were authority figures which I guess can suggest running from responsibilities and order. My life right now is not exactly chaotic and I try to have routine but the routine is living a bad life. Bad because I don't take advantage of my capabilities or simple test them, instead I stoop and wither.
I really like the part about the fence being a barrier/obstacle. Your opinion on this is resounded throughout this post and considering now, these barriers/obstacles were the central theme in the dream next to the sluggishness when not needed,lol.
Trying to break down moral upbringing is a good one, I definatley need to think about this more.
Whaterver is the reason behind these sleep imaginations I shall attempt to face and recognise.
QUOTE(Acid09 @ Jan 29 2008, 04:29 AM)
The black woman represent cultural disambiguation, basically a not knowing your own culture or not understanding certain aspects of who you are and where you're family came from. The closed gate represents a barrier within your mind you have not figured out how to open. It likely relates to not understanding an aspect of yourself, or self denial. You must figure out how to ask the right question, or explore the right paradigm of thought to access this gate. You reaching past the bars signifies you desire to open the gate up. You want to progress past this barrier in your psyche.
Again, your interpretation of the gate being a closed region in my mind which I am trying to reach or open is awesome and kind of so obvious, I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. Just shows you how unaware I am of my own thought processes and symbology. It's kind of like the gate blocking the entrance to paradise, Eden. Although I know that beyond the gate I was tring to get past, it most certainly isn't the end of the 'path', it's not the final destination. Once I get past that gate I will at some point come across another gate, unless I don't create any obstacles in my life and thereby operating freely in all directions.
The black woman who I saw standing by the gate was the first time I have ever seen her and so far the only time. As you said, I shall 'red flag' her and see if there is any information she holds.
There are other interpretations which pop up in my mind when reading over this, many maybe's.
Tell me what you think of this, its short..... In the dream world isn't everything upside down? reason being is that I had a thought that I was maybe running not down(although thats how it appears in the dream) but I was running up, up into waking consciousness, the dream world has been percieved as the underworld by many cultures and maybe the black woman was the avatar of the underworld(my dream world) and it was her who put the gate there to prevent me from re-entering waking life where I will forget what has occured and to also face those issues. I thought that this could also explain the "sluggishness" as some form of reversed gravitational pull.
Tell em what you reckon, is it plausible?