style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Well ... I'm more than comfortable with accepting that the earth is hollow ... and there are civilsations below our feet ...
I'm a firm believer that there are some things in existence which cannot be proven ... are not meant to be proven ... and never will be proven ....
I've read many books on the legends of the ancients over the years ... and there is a common thread in 99.9999% of the ancient civilisations ..... and that is the fact advanced beings and races have come to the surface world from under ground to aid surface people's ...
We live in a society in which it is overtly weighted to require absolute proof on matters ... and to insist that this is the FIRST time man has been as technologically advanced as he is now .... I accept the 'proof' of one book and one book only and that is the Akashic Records .....!!!
Religion and wealth have changed the true records of the earth to read how the most influence on the planet wish it to read .... and most of it is lies ....