In direct opposition to what has been said here, I try to give the entities I work with the benefit of the doubt. I've had good experiences with some of the bigger and more well-known daemons (demon is too christian for me) that others here (like you Imperial Arts) have had trouble with. I think the reason for that is simply because I don't look at them like used car salesmen. They're very old beings and I think they simply don't like to be pushed around and when they are, they act as "evil" as the magician expects them to be.
That's why if it says in a book that it will trick you, ask it if that's true. Sometimes they'll tell you that a passage in one of the books is complete BS, other times they'll say something unexpected. I've not been lied to by any daemon as far as I can tell (I usually ask about things that can easily be verified), and generally speaking they're much more trustworthy than most humans.
For the record I'll say that Malphas is one I'm unfamiliar with, but I've worked with several (and continue to work with) that, according to their descriptions, will trick the magician. It's just not true with those so I don't see why it should be assumed that's true of this entity.
This post has been edited by altpath: Mar 25 2008, 10:01 PM