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 Unidentified Flying Objects, Your thoughts on UFO's
+ Kinjo -
post Mar 28 2005, 07:58 AM
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Bu Kek Siansu
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"…nothing has come from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years that has added to scientific knowledge...further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby." –Edward U. Condon

A UFO is an unidentified flying object which has been identified as a possible or actual alien spacecraft. Such objects include meteors, disintegrating satellites, flocks of birds, aircraft, lights, weather balloons, and just about anything moving within the visible band of electromagnetism. So far, however, nothing has been positively identified as an alien spacecraft in a way required by common sense and science. That is, there has been no recurring identical UFO experience and there is no physical evidence in support of either a UFO flyby or landing.

There are as many photographs of UFOs as there are of the Loch Ness Monster, and they are of equal quality: blurs and forgeries. Other physical evidence, such as alleged debris from alien crashes, or burn marks on the ground from alien landings, or implants in noses or brains of alien abductees, have turned out to be quite terrestrial, including forgeries. The main reasons for believing in UFOs are the testimony of many people, the inability to distinguish science fiction from science, the willingness to trust incompetent men telling fantastic stories, the ability to distrust all contrary sources as being part of an evil conspiracy to withhold the truth, and a desire for contact with the world above. Belief in aliens in UFOs is akin to belief in supernatural beings.


"UFOlogy is the mythology of the space age. Rather than angels...we now have...extraterrestrials. It is the product of the creative imagination. It serves a poetic and existential function. It seeks to give man deeper roots and bearings in the universe. It is an expression of our hunger for mystery...our hope for transcendental meaning. The gods of Mt. Olympus have been transformed into space voyagers, transporting us by our dreams to other realms."
--Paul Kurtz


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post May 15 2005, 02:40 AM
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A Light In The Darkness
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Around 15 years ago, when I lived about a twenty minutes drive from Blackpool, Lancashire, Uk ... I spotted a UFO out of my bedroom window.... there was a dark triangular shape ... with a light at each point on the triangle ... in the sky.

I thought nothing of it ...

Two weeks later there was an article in the local paper where several hundreds of people had sighted the same object in the sky, on the same night as me from the Pleasure Beach at Blackpool .... black triangular shape high in the sky, above Morecambe Bay, with a light at each point of the triangle.

The local RAF bases were contacted ... and no record of any experimental aircrat activity was reported that night (RAF Warton nearby has supposed experimental aircraft activity from time to time).

A few years later when on holiday in Florida, I sighted a red light in the sky shooting off at a very high speed on a flight path which was one no aircraft could even attempt.

The wife sighted a UFO hovering over her house about twenty years ago ... her TV had gone on the blink and had gone outside to investigate ... she and a group of people are witnessed the UFO for several minutes .... an oval shaped craft.

I have been 'interrupted' in meditations and channelling by entities who had claimed to be in a UFO in the same space-time continuum as me at that moment but on a different dimension ... I had a vague recollection of being within a circular enclosure ....

UFO's ..... a reality in my book.

But, in saying that, I'm sure there are also human agencies with ET technology out there .... I believe too there are non-human races living on this planet who've been here for thousands of years .... who have inter-dimensional craft we perceive as UFO's ....

Now, here is a piece I have taken from Nexus Magazine on the net:-

This testimony from a former US Army Signal Corps and CIA officer is the latest to confirm that the US government and military are withholding the facts about extraterrestrial craft and biological entities.


Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, #5 (August-September '98).
From our web page at: http://www.nexusmagazine.com/

Back in the 1957 to 1960 period, Kewper taught radio operations and cryptography to Army Signal Corps officers under a false identification assigned to him by the CIA. The head of that Signal Corps school had worked for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II. The OSS became the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947. In addition to teaching, Kewper's CIA boss at the Army base asked Kewper to help analyse Top Secret cases gathered for the Air Force's Project Blue Book investigation of unidentified flying objects.

Those edits are indicated by parenthesis notes in the following interview first broadcast on the North American syndicated radio programs Dreamland, on May 31, 1998, and Coast to Coast AM Hosted by Art Bell on all-night radio, June 1-2, 1998:

Howe: So you were getting the reports that Project Blue Book was collecting; that they were allowing to the public only those they were explaining. You were actually handling the files that were unexplained?

Kewper: Yes. Probably not all of them, but at least we were one of the groups investigating the unexplained. I know when they closed down Project Blue Book they said they had found absolutely nothing as far as what they did in Project Blue Book that wasn't explained. And that was actually true because anything they didn't explain would be sent to Fort Belvoir in Virginia and then farmed out from there to other military. The FBI was involved with some of the things, too, I know, because FBI would show up on some of these peoples' doorsteps.

Howe: What were the years that you were personally working in the CIA and handling these highly classified reports related to the UFO phenomenon?

Kewper: 1957 to 1960. I was in the service starting in 1956, but I didn't get

Howe: Now, in the course of this work from 1957 to 1960, did you see any 16-mm films related to this phenomenon?

Kewper: In regard to UFOs in Roswell, you mean?

Howe: Right.

Kewper: The only film I saw is the one that has been released in the last couple of years showing an alien autopsy. I saw that very same film in 1957.

Howe: And what were the circumstances in which you saw this?

Kewper: It was in regard to studying UFOs, in working up and going through and trying to cover or investigate some of these folders we had in regard to the different sightings. Apparently someone at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, sent that film to my boss. The team viewed the thing one Saturday morning and he had to send it right back to Fort Belvoir again. But we did see that one. And we also saw several other at that time highly classified UFO sightings on film. We had one film showing a UFO actually developing or materialising over a power plant out in one of the western states like Oregon or Washington or Utahsomewhere out in that area.

Howe: So you had on film, in Central Intelligence Agency work, we'll call it an actual materialisation of what appeared to be a hard, silver disc that literally just emerged from what looked like a vaporous cloud?

Kewper: Yes; just a little ways from a cloud emitted by the smokestack. So we thought at that time that these aliens must have some way of materialising or travelling from one area to another and materialising, by using the current that was down in the power plant somehow to change the electric currents...into something electromagnetic or something solid, like solid material.

Howe: Now, how was the autopsy/dissection of the six-fingered humanoid film presented to you? What was the explanation of how this had occurred?

Kewper: They just said that this was done at Roswell, the same day or day afterthe same, I thinkthe craft was picked up at night; that some time during the next day this autopsy was performed there at the military base, and also an autopsy was performed in town in the little clinic or hospital they have there.

Howe: And what was the briefing to you about these six-fingered humanoids? How were they described? Was there any information?

Kewper: There was little info in regards to that. The film was about 10 years old at that time, and they just said this was the only film that we have of the aliens and the body. There are pictures that have been taken by different private people showing these aliens walking around outside their craft, something like that, but this is the only film that we have that shows a close picture of the aliens and exactly what they look like. So, if you run across any more of these sightings that people have sent in that describe this particular being, then you can match them up according to this.

Howe: Was the film you saw in black and white or colour?

Kewper: It was black and white.

Howe: And did you ever see any colour film or photographs of these beings?

Kewper: No, not of the beings. The only coloured film I remembered seeing was of that spaceship materialising.

Howe: But sort of resembled us in a humanoid-shape way.

Kewper: Yes, they did; they did resemble us. That particular alien, the six-fingered alienyou might say it didn't resemble us completely, but it looked like a miniature man with a smaller head, but it wasn't the great big narrow face with the big eyes. It didn't have ears like we have; it had a little circle around a hole inside of its skull. The ears didn't look like [ours]. The nose looked basically like [ours] and the mouth was much smaller.

Howe: From a military and CIA point of view, were they considered a threat?

Kewper: Not really a threat, but there was a questionable threat; and they were working under that assumption to try to increase the different radar around the country more so that they could detect if they were coming in from outer space and be able to get some type of scrambling from the Air Force's nearest base to check it out or shoot them down or whatever.


Howe: Can you describe exactly what you saw?

Kewper: As soon as we got in, the first thing we did see were two small craft.

Howe: What colour were they?

Kewper: They were silver, kind of a silver finish to them; not real shiny and bright, but basically silver.

Howe: What was the diameter?

Kewper: About 18 or 20 feet. They were quite small.

Howe: Were you allowed to go over and touch them?

Kewper: No. We were on a walkway area and couldn't get down over to where the craft were actually sitting.

Howe: And how many others could you see?

Kewper: At least about seven, I think. There were some larger ones that were in the rear towards the end that we could see down there because they were probably 50 to 60 feet in diameter.

Howe: Could you see any characteristics on these? Were any different from another?

Kewper: They were all disc-shaped, but some had larger bottom areas that extended down the same as the top, the top extending up. And they were in different colours. The larger ones in the rear were a real deep, real dark grey colour, and some of the other ones were lighter in colour, but maybe like a light- or medium-brown type of thing. The larger ones in the rear had real large top units and large bottom units to them and were sitting on metal saw-horses to hold them up off the ground.

Howe: And did the colonel try to explain, or did he have knowledge or any understanding of the propulsion system of the extraterrestrial craft?

Kewper: That question was asked, and he mentioned it was electromagnetic/antigravitational-type engines. But some of the craft had other propulsion systems also, but he didn't go into great detail on other propulsions. Apparently it was like antimatter propulsion on one of the units, something of that nature.

And I saw they'd tried to reverse-engineer one craft, so part of it was taken apart. They were trying to figure out how it works, and he was explaining to us that there really was no physical motor in that thing. The entire disc was like an electronic circuit, and the aliens had to be inside of this disc to complete the electronic circuit to make it fly. The Area 51 people knew that, because they had tried to make that one fly. It was just like a battery electrical unit; it worked with antigravitational/electromagnetic drive, but the whole saucer itself was like the drive of the ship. It was all coated with nickel inside and it was like a giant circuit, an electronic circuit. And it took the aliens to complete the circuit because they were tied right in with it: they had headbands they wore that had detectors on, and they had finger-type board control where they could fly the craft.


Kewper: Right, in 1958 [while visiting Area 51]. I asked him [Colonel Jim], "Why do you continue to cover this up?" Well, he said it was covered originally because the Cold War was just starting and somebody up in the governmentI'm sure it was probably President Trumanhad requested a tight cover on this because with the Cold War starting and now having aliens flying around, he thought it would be too much for the American public all at once. But it was perpetuated, and even to this day they are still covering it with balloon stories.

Howe: Now it is 1998. This is 40 years after you first saw the 16-mm black and white film of the six-fingered humanoid dissection, and there still appears to be a policy of silence and denial about this extraterrestrial interaction. Why do you think the government has not told the United States and the world what they know?

Kewper: You would think they would have by now. But I know that at the same time through the Cold War era back in the 1950sI was involved with itthe CIA in a lot of cases in regards to these unidentified flying objects did contact and work with even the Russians during that time of the Cold War to see what they had, because the Russians had contacted us in regards to UFOs as they had UFO sightings also. They contacted us because they thought it might be some kind of advanced flying craft that we had, and they were calling us to warn us to keep them out of their area because they thought they were our craft. We told them they were not ours.

Howe: If Russia and the United States were secretly trying to talk with each other about an extraterrestrial presence, did you ever have any further information over the last 40 years about what our government's understanding of the agenda or intent of these beings is by now?

Kewper: I know that we have worked together with Russia on this, especially since the Gorbachev thing and we became more friendly; and that Russia is involved with particle beam weapons, too, from satellite and from ground. We had actually given them the particle beam weapon to be able to shoot down any of the saucer craft.


Any encounter with entities known to be of extraterrestrial origin is to be considered to be a matter of national security and therefore classified TOP SECRET. Under no circumstance is the general public or the public press to learn of the existence of these entities. The official government policy is that such creatures do not exist, and that no agency of the federal government is now engaged in any study of extraterrestrials or their artifacts. Any deviation from this stated policy is absolutely forbidden.

About the Author:
Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University, USA, and has a Masters Degree in Communication. She is a science and environmental reporter for radio and television. Her film documentaries, A Strange Harvest and Strange Harvests 1993, explored the worldwide animal mutilations phenomenon. Her books include An Alien Harvest, Glimpses of Other Realities-Volume I: Facts & Eyewitnesses, and, most recently, Glimpses of Other Realities-Volume II: High Strangeness (Paper Chase Press, USA, phone (702) 826 5947; see review this issue).

This post has been edited by Mr_Merlin: May 22 2005, 04:19 PM

Hey! This life is just a dream. As in any dream the sleeper can assume control. Magic is gaining that control and using that awakening to full advantage

Married for life, to my devoted wife, who I have neglected recently but will do no more..........

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