QUOTE(Noxifer_616 @ Aug 1 2007, 11:27 PM)
I have always associated the three God(dess)forms of Thelema, with other deities. And while all three are outward forces, there prime roles are that of the self, as "Every man and woman is a Star."
Hadit (Chaos) i've equated with various entities, as he represents the Slayer (Set/Shaitan) and the slain (Osiris/Jesus), he can be seen as Lucifer, the core of the Star, Shiva, the destroyer, as well as the creator, the Most Worshipful Grand Master Hiram Abiff. He is the hanging God, Odin, and the Trickster, Loki. He is also the Un-Holy Guardian Angel, called Aiwaz or Aivas by Crowley, that is the higher concioucness, the soul.
Nuit (Babalon)- Our Lady is seen as both the beautiful mother Isis, Diana, Demeter, Cybele, Magdalene, Eve, and Sophia, as well as the dark goddess, the warrior Ishtar/Ashtoreth, the Queen of Crossroads Hekate, the Mother of Succubi Lylyth, and the manslayer Kali. In either incarnation she is the giver of Gnosis, the holder of the Dark Chalice (Sangraal) containg the holy blood of Metzalion (Hadit)
Ra Hoor Khu/Harpocrates/Heru Ra Ha (Baphomet)- The Great Architect of the Universe (TGAOTU). Abraxas, the two (Nuit and Hadit) in one, joined in Divine Union (bridal chamber). While (s)he may bethe creative energy of the cosmos, the main function of Baphomet is that of the individuals creativ power as a God(dess), thus he is the idividual when the core of the Star (the soul) and Babalon-Nuit merge their energies together. Baphomet s the Divine Androgyne, HoruSet/NephthysIsis, YeshuaShaitan/MaryLylyth, SoLuna, and so muny more.
Is there anyone else who sees the pattern in this, or perhaps even follows this themselves?
I must say that these attributions are beautiful and certainly not sophistry. This is a great conception mirrored in Carl Jung's conception of pleroma/creatura/abrasax along with the dichotomy helios/devil. I find that they are really 3-in-1 and they are each other for they are all truly above the abyss as Uni_verse said somewhat patronizingly... I think you actually get it since you see it is essentially the 2 combined as one... 'merged energies,' 'creative energy' 'androgyne' 'bridal chamber' etc. This is the essentially the final understanding of Mysticism: the state of mind where Self is All is One.
One conception Ive had is: Nuit is Infinity as All-inclusive, Hadit is Infinity as all-exclusive, RHK as both Infinities in one sense and the dualistic manifested universe in the other sense. I don't rely on labels and words though as they are very clunky when describing concepts that are meant to transcend dualisms.