Just like the other members have said, most ppl either choose not to remember or they forget instantly the moment they wake up or within a very short time....too short to even extract the memories. However, from a medical point of view, it could very likely be related to stress and exhaustion. You're the site owner, you read and moderate many things on it, you need to validate new members and make sure they're not nasty spammers(XD), you need to take care of your own life as well, you may have afamily~(*sweats~*), you may be also having problems at work~~~~ and so on ...and so on~~~ I can keep going....but that might have a negative effect >.^ and i won't be making my point very well if I ramble
My point is. All these events and pressures that you choose to, or inevitably put on yourself~~~ they ALL contribute to your physical and eventually mental exhaustion.... I bet you often have days when you just want to lie down and do absolutely nothing except maybe surf the net on your favourite subject of interest >.^ You're just a very busy man who is packing a lot into your life^^ I certainly like that. But like i said, it does make you mentally exhausted and stressed. Thus, it shows up in your sleep and you sometimes really just don't dream ANYTHING at all~~~ Thus, this is another possibility why you never remember your dreams....because your brain was really busy trying to rest ^^ ^^
Just another suggestion you might like to look into~~~ and do look after your health Kinjo-sama >.^
This post has been edited by Esoterigma: May 27 2008, 05:01 AM