I was doing a search on the Web for a place that I'd found once with Bardon's Evocation online, and discovered it listed on a site that had a booklist of, quote, "Advanced Satanic Texts."
This is a guess, but from what little I've read of Bardon I would tend to suspect that he would find his work being classified as Satanic as being highly objectionable.
Does anyone know of a genuine reason why this book could be classified as being truly Satanic, or is it simply yet another case of Satanists hijacking pretty much everything associated with magic and claiming it to be exclusively a part of their belief system?
I've seen this going on for a while, and to be honest, it's starting to seriously annoy me. I know a Satanist online who apparently has the attitude that if you have anything to do with magic whatsoever, that automatically means that you're engaging in Satanic activity by default, even if your intentions aren't anywhere close to LHP. Do people agree with this, or is it simply yet another example of the ex-Christian/Satanist cognitive dissonance?
The idea of any one particular religion or belief system claiming a monopoly on magic bothers me, however; whether it's Judaism on the one hand, or Satanism on the other.
Magical Evocation. All the fun of train surfing, without having to leave the house.