hi bym, first off i just want to say thank you for replying to me and always providing alot of useful information even though my ideas and goals seem wacky at times. but my goals for this isn't sexual release related i mean, i have no problem with my people skills, i have plenty of choices in that respect - but i guess what i really want is to start some sort of friendship with a female spirit that will at least show herself to me and PROVE that she is there. i mean, i was a little disapointed with servitor work as they never manifested. why are my goals specific to female spirits? well i feel that they may be less danger to me than a male spirit snf i feel alot more comfortable with that. im not doing this just to 'prove to myself that spirits actually exist' i also don't wanna try the ouija board as the spirits lie and just wanna possess. so is there any other method? i just ordered Donald Tyson's 'familiar spirit' book maybe that might give me further guidelines, what do you think?