All good advice I think. There seems to be the impression that in shamanism there is a lot of drug taking, over the planet only about 10% or the traditions take Teaching plants.
They can open the door, once the door is open then you don't need the drug. It is ill advised, yes you can get those that will argue the point. I find they just use spiritual development for an excuse to take the drug. Many of the plants that they take in shamansim are powerful..... very powerful. They are taken with much respect and the plant is honored before using it. It is used with intent. I am alarmed at the use these days of these drugs for recreation, I am not supperised at the results many are having.
Pot use can greatly increase the depth of meditation, it would need to be smoked with the intent of doing meditation for it to have the desired results. Otherwise you tend to wander, more day dreaming then meditation, or what we used to call fall out (just going off somewhere for a while into nothingness with out awareness). If done correctly you can hold what you gained from you meditation but this is extremely hard. I have experimented with this a lot as I teach in Holland. I do not teach when high, I do not advocate its use however, or any drug for that matter.
I'd be the first to admit they can show you a lot about reality. I was in a ceremony that used a grass from Australia, don't know what it was. It took me to the creation and end of everything, and the restart and the end. I knew everything at once. The problem is I got stuck for 6 weeks in this cycle. I had to work and every time I would relive the cycle (god burst I call them) any one in 100 feet at least would feel it. After a while I got used to it, but I could not sleep for the 6 weeks (sleep deprivation is interesting, but no thanks). Finally a soul retrieval was done and I started to come back to this reality where I belong. It put things on the fast track, and my life changed radically, yes for the good, but I would never want to go through that again. This was 5 - 6 yrs ago. I have been into metaphysical stuff literally all my life, part due to my DNA I think, so I could handle it even though it was touch and go for a long time. Some one with less experience would have been in a padded room. I also had a lot of support from friends and Mom, there was nothing they could do but they were there. Remember this drug was done in the proper manor, if it had not probably I'd be in the padded room. I gained a lot of understanding of everything, but I can put little of it in words. Was it worth it Yes in retrospect. Did it change my life? Most definitely. For the better? yes. Did I gain power? No, but acess to it yes Would I want to go through it again to get that understanding? NO. Would I have gotten where I am today with out going through this most definitely, slower perhaps, I was starting to manifest the abilities before I went through this. Fast track yes, done properly. Dangerous YES, YES, YES. Had I know all of the results would I have done the ceremony ..... NO WAY.
Kids please listen: Many are very intense (salvia for example) and you NEED a baby sitter when taking the drug. Even among the traditions that do use drugs they have baby sitters. These plants are not for FUN. I suppose they can be, depending where they take you. Respect them, they are teachers, and they can teach. Don't respect them and they can also teach, many times about respect (not usual fun).