For those who want to take a look, the site is here:
It doesn't cost money, but like I said before - they are words that in any language have the same basic connotations and tend to insprie the same kinds of emotional reactions in most people familiar with the concepts; which is virtually everyone.
I especially like this page: where near the bottom they have an arbitrary system of 'Natural Healing Point Scoring' - where they basically compare there techniques with Reiki and "Other Natural Healing Techniques" (a radical generalization), to show empirically that their system of natural energy healing is clearly superior.
You can recieve the basic techniques for free, but although these techniques are meant strictly for the ascension and evolution of mankind as Christ intended, there is of course a fee associated with the intermediate, advanced, and adept techniques. My curiosity compelled me to enquire about those techniques... i guess we'll find out!