Thanks guys, I appreciate your postings.
ES, well, as I said, something strongly tells me NOT to go into my previous life, particularly the last one, if that makes any sense, seeing that I'm personally not 100% sure about earthly reincarnation- I've never felt I belonged here, I feel I was in another totally seperate world previously. Seriously, I can remember being born, I recall the big Afro-English nurse who delivered me, [and I believe newborns can't even see properly?] and I vaguely but definitely recall being forced down a tunnel, struggling and resisting, into this world against my will. I recall almost everything in my life, including being bottle-fed, nursery school, early 70's Doctor Who monsters and Pop hits, etc, and almost everything since! I've always felt different, I've never been the average Joe Bloggs.
I think I was either a bit of a serious bad guy in my last existence, or else I was somehow wrongly bullied into being here. Personally I think it's the latter, and to find out would upset me so much I might freak and seek terrible vengeance on whatever forced me here. I don't belong here at all, I've always known that: I've never felt rigidly bound by physical laws, either. But I honestly think in my case, investigating a previous existence is not good for my spiritual lessons in this one. I'm curious of course, who isn't, but I think it takes strength to leave well alone, in my case. I really do feel in my heart I'd be waking a sleeping monster.