QUOTE(cassiopeia @ Sep 6 2008, 12:31 PM)
Over the years I seem to have gotten fairly good at using magick to bring about favourable circumstances in my life. Jobs, money, partners, etc. Nothing spectacular, my results could be written off as coincidences but once you get a certain amount of "coincidences" you start to realise that perhaps they aren't really coincidences... But, as a sufferer of mild anxiety and depression, I have often tried to use magick to influence my internal climate, with very little success.
Lately I have been using my daily practice of the LBRP to influence my life. When invoking the archangels, I will talk to them and ask them to grant me small favours... The results have been quite impressive when it comes to external events (one example of many is that I had problems with my feelings for a workmate. It was problematic because I had a boyfriend, and the situation had been bad for quite some time. I asked the archangels for help, and the very same day, he got fired! Which isn't as bad as it sounds for him as he was getting quite tired of wokring there anyway, and from conversations I had with him afterwards it seemed that him getting fired - or rather, being asked to resign, but with good references - had worked out in his favour. This is just one example fo the "coincidences" I've had). Yet I have hardly had any success at all in alleviating my anxiety, depression, or my moderate substance abuse through the use of the LBRP or any magick at all!
Any similar experiences? Advice, theories, etc?
style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)) anxiety and depression are usually influences from past lives, so all the lbrps in the world are not going to resolve it - got to look under the hood and see what happened when you were a squirrel living in a yard with a bunch of cats, or whatever your situation was- some, after looking, say it was prison or the camps(!), some say it was war and famine, and some say it was just plain ol worrisome life that is influencing them now - whatever your situation was, becoming aware of it doesn't make it go away but you know what is eating at you and, after a bit of work in its direction, the influence can be minimized - it is far mor than self-forgiveness for past lives sins bullshit - as we get further into the beam and the energy increases, we are increasingly connected with our true selves and more aware of what we were and are - also, energy is at a low right now, but will return around the autumn equinox - i can't wait personally, as i'm penniless, irritable and just flat, waiting for the tide to come back in, hopefully it will be a tsunami!!!