the answer is really quite simple
A- Dont summon those you cant hope to control
B- Who are you to say that one spirit is either Malevolent or not. Just to give you a different perspective, who is to say that you have true knowledge of right or wrong, or better yet who are you to judge right and wrong. Is "right" only what you perceive it to be and anything you disagree with is not shared with your personal view 'wrong'?
C- But to answer your question which i belive was something along the line of "how do you get rid of a certain Malevolent Spirit" your answer, or better yet my solution would be....
D- Find the entity (which i believe you already have) and judge its power.
E- if your power is greater. BIND IT! Use your power to control and use up the entities for your own will
F- If your power is NOT greater. Invoke a greater being (dont ask me). or ..... #1 create circle with a mixture of Salt and Sage #2 Invoke a greater entity and combine with you own power # Banish it!