Read my Cautionary Tale here on Forum.
At 17 I'd rather doubt that you have adequate skill levels to handle this kind of invasion, wanted or not! I'm a 'materializing medium' and at my advanced age am reluctant to allow anything through without close help at hand....and that means a partner to pull your ass from the fire.
Recently my curiosity was piqued when I read a few books about the djinn and foolishly 'invited' the spirits to enter my abode and we would have exchanges of information. I was psyched! and was thrilled by their agreance... Then, things went sour. The visions that they showed me proved false and within a blink of an eye I found myself host to a nasty brood of astral vermin/parasite that really stretched my resources. Thank you to those of you who helped, you know who you are. I will never repeat such a poor performance again! And...I've been at this for more than 60 years!
Get yourself up to snuff by forming good, solid foundations. You needn't invite a being in to establish the Sight. Hosting a spirit of fire is hot are not manufactured for that! Can you smell bacon? Hmmm..... A good mage is not a reckless one! A reckless mage is a dead mage (if they are lucky)...
Good luck and good journey! (IMG: