Supposedly spiritual masters can do this. I think in this case probably it involves the master raising the individual's vibration such that their astral body can remain cohesive without the physical anchor of the body. Whether the average individual could do this just because they are able to astral project, I couldn't say for sure, but I doubt it. I think that it would take a great mastery over energy in addition to the ability to astral project, and then also one needs to be sure of their own eenrgy as well.
Consider, that if you are unable to project yet, there may still be things in the way - perhaps your energy is not ready for it, not sufficiently concentrated, or perhaps it is a matter of cohesion, and your astral body is not prepared to contain the central focus of your attentive consciousness. This is to say, that you may imagine your 'point of view' as literally a point, one of great energetic concentration, and that the astral body must be given energy through attention (i.e. practice, focus, becoming aware that it is there in an experiential way) before it is able to contain that point and move around without the physical body. If you are not ready, there may be a good reason.
Keep in mind that your astral body is always there - it does not form up just to project. It's a part of your meta-anatomy. If you spend time learning to be aware of it, and learning to hold your awarenes there, then over time it will become easier to project. Learn to be relaxed, seek peace, don't let the physical world get to you as much, and by and by your consciousness and energy will adjust to a new 'perspective' as it were - one in which the physical world is not so important that you must be attached to it all the time. THen your consciousness will be more comfortable entering the astral body to move around. Fear of death is one of the great obstacles to astral projection, and of course fear of death is the root of many other fears.
Consider for a bit, and keep trying.
peace V
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.