Another day, life slaps you down again, your head is too heavy for your neck, your shoulders too tense with all the stress, feet are scraping across the floor, hands in your pockets....empty, the face gives it away, your down in the dumps. Trying, endlessly trying to achieve something, to simply improve ones life, to find the happiness you so eagerly want. The night is upon you and you settle down, contemplating the day, if your lucky you're indulging in one or many of your vice's, theres so many questions, so many complications, it all seems fruitless. I mean its the end of the day and you've ended up with less than you had when you woke and naively believed things were on the up. You can believe the sky is pink, you can believe you can improve, but the sky is blue and so is your life.
In the beginning there was potential but slowly it diminishes, slowly it fades and brings you back to before it began, to zero.
All the sorrow is suffocating, just laugh it away, what's the point dwelling in your misery it achieves nothing, don't let your passions rule you or they could lead you into a trap, you just got to consider what is really of worth.
What will it take to be satisfied? what is it that makes me unsatisfied? its all about what you expect out of life and what you expect out of yourself. Its all indoctrination. Who you are, what you like, what you do was all learned, your learn it throughout your life. Maybe our lives are set in stone and are predestined and what we learn then is something more, something which we will only understand fully when we're at death's door, who we are!
The name of this thread is something of a joke to me now, "committing to endeavor on". It is life's default setting, all in all life goes on with your commitment or not. The question now is what should one commit to?
What should one commit to? (IMG: