To develop your energy sensing abilities, just quieten your mind and listen or feel. That is what they mean by working with awareness. This is only what works best for me, you understand, but I do meditation. Meditation is simply focusing on one thing for a sustained period. By maintaining this sustained focus, your mind quietens down. Typically our minds are full of constant chatter. The Chinese refer to this as 'Monkey Mind'. I've talked about this before in this forum. Your thoughts leap from subject to subject like a monkey leaping from branch to branch. Sustained focus on one thing (meditation) acts as a brake on this chatter, slowing it down and eventually allowing you to have a quiet mind. Once you can keep your mind quiet--and this usually take months or years of practice to do consistently-- you will be able to listen and perceive energy clearly. This is only one of the goals and uses of meditation, but it is the one that applies here.
I describe the microcosmic orbit in detail on a thread in the lessons section titled something like "Education of an energy work healer". The microcosmic orbit is a modern name given to it by a fellow called Mantak Chia, but the technique itself is quite old. I'm not sure that it is specifically Taoist, but certainly some Taoists use it.
Don't worry. It'll only seem kinky the first time.