You're not doing anything wrong, you're just addicted to sensation and activity and spoiled with a consistent supply like everyone else in the world. Every little obstacle you come up against you seem to become convinced it's too insurmountable for you, you immediately look for a way to go around.
What did I tell you before? Sit down, practice for one minute then get up and occupy yourself otherwise. At the same time the next day - or if you think you can handle another minute of practice, some regular interval of hours later - practice for one minute again. It's certainly the long way, but you appear to have some difficulty dealing with your addictions.
Let me assure you, the practice is not triggering any kind of energy problems, it's not making you go crazy, or causing anxiety attacks. Anything that is wrong, is simply because you're afraid of the consequences of success. And before you retaliate, really think about whether or not you even know what success would mean.
There are a thousand books on meditation. They all say the same thing.
"Sit down, meditate."
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.