The Demon Choronzon doesn't appear at all in Dee's writing. Instead there is "Coronzon," who is mentioned only once. In this instance it is identified as the name of the tempter in Eden, who preyed upon the weaknesses of Adam so that man would get evicted. After the eviction, in consideration of the hostile influences encountered by mankind, the Watchtowers and Governors were supposedly established for his protection and assistance. There isn't any indication whatsoever given that Coronzon is some other, or more interesting or intriguing spirit than the talking snake people hear about in Sunday school.
For some reason or another, Crowley (during his Bou Saada adventure) gave Choronzon a few pages of text space, leading to its current popularity. This attention is a sharp break from Dee's "Coronzon," but so is the whole idea of going on astral vision-quests in the 30 Aethers. Dee's format was to use the Call of 30 Aethers to invoke the 91 Governors (with TEX applied to four governors, and three for the rest), for the purpose of creating material effects at distant points of the globe over which the 91 Governors preside.