[I've been athletic from an early age, so I'll just add a little personal experience to see if it helps you any. As far as endurance goes, the one thing that'll help you more than running is ab work. A strong midsection gives you more energy than running, no matter your body type. i went out with a boxer in highschool and she told me she would do over 1000 crunches a day. I figured hey, I can do that too, so I set a goal and went for it. After about a month, I managed to hit 3 reps of 350 over the course of an hour. It took a lot of willpower to get there, I started off with 3 sets of 50, but it's doable.
As far as running, form helps a lot, but practice pays off the most. I was a fat kid, toppng off at 320 in highschool, but dropped 100 pounds by running. i set a goal of running a mile straight without stopping. By the time I reached it, I had already lost 60 pounds. It took a few months and was sooo worth it.
Now running with your feet out to the side is kinda like waddling, just like a duck. Focus on keeping your feet and legs moving in a straight line until it becomes habit and it should come much easier. Heel to toe is a good rule of thumb for running. It reduces impact on your legs and lets you really work your hamstrings into the motion. You also want to bend slightly at the knee. Running is like falling forward and catching yourself in a jump to propel onward.
Hope that helps.