Esoterica does make a good point. I would say that meditation is not necessarily a prerequisite to practicing magic... however, I do believe that without meditation, the magician will be hard pressed to achieve beyond a certain level of attainment. Meditation builds focus, concentration, inner calm, and perhaps most important for the magician, clarity. Without focus and concentration, the magician can still whip himself into an emotional frenzy and haphazardly fire that emotional energy into a sigil or ritual, etc. Without inner calm he may still figure out what he wants to do magic for, define a purpose for his work. However without clarity his own self-knowledge will never get beyond a superficial level. Clarity is the result of meditation that cannot be attained any other way, because it requires that we turn inward and examine ourself, and seek to still the extraneous mind which obscures our view of the true self.
Clarity is the greatest goal of meditation, I believe - the initiation of what ultimately becomes a cause for further change. It is so important because if we lose that clarity, although we may not lose focus, concentration, or inner calm, we can still lose sight of that inner truth. The unfoldment of that truth is never ending as long as we maintain that clarity.
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.