QUOTE(Thorn @ May 29 2008, 06:40 PM)
Thank you:) Well, I will start off by saying that personally I am not a big fan of high ceremonial rituals, I'd prefer to work with this from a more earth-bound, possibly celtic or shamanistic perspective. My objective isn't actually that direct, (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/hmm.gif) mainly I would just like to see what I can learn from the experience (everquest for knowledge, yknow). I've always felt more connected to the idea of working with the elements as an external force than with deities and such. I'm one who feels more comfortable outside in the middle of the earth's forces than at a temple, and I would just like to learn more about working closer with that.
Sorry for the rambling:P Bit of background there.
Anyway, if there's any help you could give I would appreciate it. Thanks again.
Sidebar: your quote signature made me laugh:P
I try to keep my workings as simplistic as possible. No special tools or ceremony. I find that we are very similar in our philosophies regarding magick application. I have found that when I work with elements (including elemental spirits) I try to engage them at their level, so to speak. For instance, when I invoking Earth I remove my shoes, look for grass, mud, dirt or sand to stand in. I even crawl sometimes when the weather permits, or I am outside of public influence. This seems to bring my energies more inline with the element that I am working at the time. Skyclad can be very beneficial as well, seclusion and weather permitting of course. (IMG:
If it is cold, I would sometimes hold rocks, sticks, or any other earthen based material, or simply kneel on one knee and base my hand on the Earth itself. I journey wherever I find myself however, I just feel that the connection and the power is stronger the more you can physically and mentaly connect yourself to said element.
A good journey technique I have found for Earth is to visualize yourself growing roots into the earth as deep and as far as you can fathom. Connect yourself to her core. Visualize your arms into branches and leaves. Drink in the atmosphere and the power. After a good journey, start your spell working to whatever end you seek. The Elemental spirits connect much easier after journeying, I find.
If you find that this helps you in anyway let me know. Feel free to contact me anytime regarding these practices. I like sharing in hope of capturing another wonderful technique or pattern to use in my own workings.
Take care, and be well.