Hello everyone,
Short pre history : I "came from" ouija board scrying using enochian to black mirror.
Yesterday i was trying to scry on TEX. It was 3 am , altar set up and prior the actual call i have performed all necessary (for myself) procedures to put my mind in a state. I was not tired as i had a nap before that.
The first time as i read the call i heard a whisper which was duplicating my own voice on the last sentence somewhere in far corner of the room and sudennly i felt hot like someone put me under the sun. When i finished i proceeded to the obsidian mirror. Saw ...disolved image of nothingness. I have start to read call again. At that time point there was no whisper. I looked and looked and ...looked in the mirror and saw...nothing, But when i shut my eyes i saw white snow around and suddenly it has changed to fire with 4 shadowy figures inside it. I opened my eyes and felt that i can not do anything but sleep. I could not find any power to look at the mirror again and just completed my session.
I went to bed, shut my eyes and - white scratches before me like a strike of the lightning start coming from all directions.
My question is. What was that? As my vision was for 3 seconds only even not in the mirror so i can not adjust my mind and evaluate the expirience. I have never scryed on Aethyr before so i am unable to understand - should i proceed to 29? or re do the 30? Please advise. I am really confused here,
Thank you Regards,
Если мне обломают крылья - я взлечу на метле.