Greetings everyone,
In my understandings The Fall represents mankind's descentl into materialism. This Fall shields us from the spiritual world and opens an Abyss between Man and the Divine. The Right Hand Path of traditional Qabalah aims to restore the original harmonic relation between man and the Divine.
The Left Hand Path fulfills and deepens the Fall. The Dark Adept continues the Fall from the Abrahamic God to reach individual divinity. The reason behind the Fall is often described as being hubris, man's search for knowledge and forces that originally were not meant for him to acquire. The Left Hand Path leads to a second birth, a spiritual rebirth as a god.
The original Tree of Life did not contain the material world, instead the non-Sephira Daath existed., united by paths with Kether (above), Chokmah, Binah, Geburah and Tiphareth (below).
Lucifer-Daath, the original Serpent, represents the divine force of creation that is able to carry out the idea of creation. Lucifer-Daath sinks down to man's level and awakens the power of creation and the sexual energy in man. Thus, man can reach the knowledge which was previously only accessible to God.
The adepts of the Left Hand Path glorify the Fall and allow the destruction to be fulfilled. Leading away from the Tree of Life and further into the Tree of Knowledge.
Kheper-i kheper kheperu kheper-kuie em kheperu en Khepri kheper em Sep Tepy