well its not sex im addicted to, nor should i use the words addiction, or the act of vile and disgusting acts humans can perform...but rather the energy i woman exhibits being completely unclothed. phiscally spiritually,m,,,,why jsut the other night his girl was all up in my grill and yes my friends it was a turn off...she merely wanted my phiscal body...its as if every girl i meet who is naked inside i fall madly in love with, not the love where you stalk them, not the love where you can't get them out of your minds, but the love that burns inside your stomach, eating you untill their skin touches yours, its almost a curse i've been born and breed with with, and only now i am figuring out how to make it a gift....the point of this topic is, does this happen to anyone else.? this is by no means a egoteric issue, i have no pride in this weird phenomonin, i only acknowlege its existance withing me, and within others,,,i think...so spill me your thoughts