Gathering information, recording one's findings and intuitions, and making calculated attempts at resolution, comprise a far safer route to solution than to haphazardly try things which are unrelated to the current dilemma.
Desperation is not a posiiton to allow oneself into in a situation in which the offending being may be dangerous at all. Better to maintain calm, observe, study, and execute something which may at least offer temporary alleviation if not a permanent solution.
Employing goetic incantations will not work. I have attempted in the past to apply the conjurations to other uses, and I am not an amateur when it comes to adapting various systems either alone or into synthesis with others with some success. Locating the point of disturbance, evaluating the course and effects of that disturbance, and assembling a specific remedy to that disturbance is my profession and I do it very well.
Can you for instance draw common threads amongst those people it has appeared to? Have you looked into the history of the house and property? Have you compared various experiences amongst more than a couple of people who have shared this experience? Have you considered the geometry of the house, the placement of the rooms, whether it was built (knowingly or otherwise) as an energy sink? Have you confirmed that the entity is demonic? Most demonic presences react strongly to a strong connection to some higher power, that is generally a good indication (using strictly the 'classic' definition of the word 'demon'). The spirit could well be ancestral depending on the history of the land, could be a natural spirit, could also be a left over attack on the property by some long dead (or not so long dead, or not dead at all) magician, etc. You can test for these different things in a few different ways, there are various modes of divination that could be used, honesty enforced by some divine assitance, assuming you have that. What kind fo culture surrounds this area? Is there a possibility it could have an origin in some local native culture? Have you checked its appearance against other local tales historically attributed to that geographical region? Local folklore, etc., is usually not that hard to dig up.
Not just any entity can be easily trapped in a crystal, not just any crystal will hold an entity, not just any bowl will do it, nor will any brass vessel not properly constructed for that purpose, and without a line in to God like solomon supposedly had, there's not much in the way of instruction for those things.
Take some time to do some thorough research into the subject matter, all too often we jump to conclusions and when we jump in sufficient blindness we often miss the mark by a mile. Trust your instincts, but trust them to find you the right information, and trust your reasoning skills to confirm that intuition.
If what you've shown us here is all that you know about this entity, then you do not know enough to do anything at the moment, in my own opinion. I would assume you've already tried the traditional "house blessing" approach?
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.