QUOTE(| Kinjo @ Mar 29 2005, 09:44 AM)
I have an opinion that suicide is just silly and weak. We have the power to change our lives, it simply done by changing our focus. ..... What we see, what we read and who we associated with - unconsciously tells and influences us to become who we are today. Winners fly with the eagles. Birds of the same feather flocks together. So choose and design your environment carefully to be in "condusive" environment to help brings us towards where we want to go. This is also the same reason I stop watching the crime channel, some sort of news, etc so my mind won't be polluted with these junks who do not serve or benefit me in any way. Just a thought
With all due respect Bym, the choice of words in your reply appears to assume a personal possibility? Nothing could be further from reality as I am a coward.
| Kinjo's words of wisdom must be taken to account, and if you can't beat 'em avoid 'em.