HELLO everyone, thanks for the reply of the consecration rituals, I want to ask the following questions.
I live with a friend in the same apartment ,.but 2 bedrooms, I used one bedroom for my occult practices and rituals and I will be performing my first Evocation. I want to ask it is advicable to Do EVOCATION, WHILES YOU livce with someone in the same apartment.. Even though he embraces my occultism practices, Will it be cool to perform Evocation in the same room.
My second Question: is it always advisable to Get Rituals from Nicksa the elemental king of water..... to Evoke undines and mermaids as started in Konstantnos Summoning of spirits... SECRET RITUAL FROM NICKSA
My third.. Has anyone ,taken ritaul from ghob the elemental to call his/her familar spirits that has been given by Ghob the king.. My fourth question:
Has anyone performs in Evocation Whiles he /she lives with his neighbour in the same room
Thanks, Answers will be appreciated. [B]