ah but do you solemnly swear? lol sorry i couldn't resist.
anyway i have to say the pointed points you address and pose are very interesting to someone like myself, I too was raised catholic.
Irrelevant though, i have to say your one paragraph was of particular interest.
Embracing all that is driven by will, I am gradually opening my minds eye (after a series of meditation on the question of life above) that even the bible does reveal unto man (in Gen 3:22) the mysteries of "HE" who possesses many "names", "forms" and who is reponsible for the "beginning" and the "end" of "all things". I have come to realise that HE has left us to decide our own fate but has deprived us of logevity (I guess most of us know the story). HE also made it clear that life (power to create) and death (power to destroy) resides in us, but that we should choose "life". How then can we understand life when we have just a little of it to "live"?
and it is my personal Belief that the one who is most high (notice i don't address this divinity as him or her, doing so i believe limits its greatness in ones mind.) is unknowable and that we being limited in mind and body compared to The Creator of Heavens and Earth. will never truly understand this Immaculate divinity's will and or plan, though I being but a creation of this will am limited to speculate it is my belief that our limited life is designed as to force us to make the most out of the time we are given to live and love to our fullest potential before we meet our end.
at lest thats what I believe whether or not this helps you or is completely Irrelevant to you i don't know but i do hope it helps.
Though I believe and correct me if i'm wrong but you implied that the church has perhaps edited some documents (gospels, and books) in order to better suit their own personal system?
If thats what you are implying all I have to say is looking at the at the history of the church... I can't even begin to imagine where in all the four corners of the world how you could even imagine the the church would do something like this (IMG:
(hoping you find my sarcasm as humerus as i do)
and wishing you the best on all future endeavors.