>>I won't play dumb. please don't - we are the wisest and most evolved, because we don't equate visibility with reality - not chest pounding, but simple truth - we pay for our evolution in way the 'regular' people never dream of
>>Consider Light - both a wave, and a particle oh!! excellent!!!
>>Schrödinger's Cat i prefer the example of the rock, the box, and the paint - put the rock in the box, seal it, then pour in the paint through a hole in the top of the box - did the paint cover the rock? - shake the box around - did the paint cover the rock? - pour in more paint (similar to vacuuming all the gas/air out of Schrödinger's Cat Box) - so, did the paint cover the rock? - yes, or no, or some % of a definite maybe!
new data:
a physics 'normal' is the sum of two forces (in 2d) - perhaps yes to the left and no to the right (or vice versa) - the sum (normal) of these forces is 0, hence the queasiness of our maybe - but if both yes and no are POSITIVE, then the normal is a greater, solid positive, reaching beyond the power of the yes and the no - incredible!!!
for some reason, our no is negative - "no, its not!!!! it can't be so!!!"
but it needs to be a positive "no, i will think for myself"
then the outcome becomes a solid sum of the positives instead of canceling each other out - evolution at work!
we shall see how much of this makes it into their book - i'm an explorer, that's what i do, so simply i cannot stop and put it on 'impulse power', and if i materialize in the middle of a sun, or hit a comet, then ce la vie, mon ami!
thanks for the push,