Has anyone here actually tried to use enochian angels for healing purposes? I've had good resuslts with Arcangels, and some of their associate angels so farand had sucess with evoking a few elementals.. but Enochian Angels are still uncharted waters for me, I'm finally getting an understanding of how the system works after a few years of study, I'm just not so sure if I should stray to far from the hebrew system & the angels of the sphiroth. I would take it then they are not on the tree? I supose I'm answering my own post ha ha! from some of the other stuff I've read: if E.A.'s are like blind forces then some would be more akin to elementals? From Tysons book for example particular angels of the subangles can teach functions and uses of elementals(good and bad)..
I am being drawn to this strongly its very difficult to learn something this complex on your own..thanks for the help you all have given me Love & Light (IMG: