"From a biological point of view it makes sense that people do this. If people can know the end, they might be able to prevent it."
I'll say. geez. it has to be, but unfortunately where does that hyper awareness fall into weather changes and environmental issues? if it were truly a self preservation thing, wouldn't it apply to more than one concept of destruction and not just
inevitable destruction? to tell you the truth, i believe that us humans are very capable creatures able to curb our destructive tendencies if only we didn't distract ourselves with things we CAN'T change.
honestly i think its a guilt thing.....that or it takes a huge weight off our shoulders as to 'what can we do to protect ourselves?' NOTHING?
really???Give me the the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I think we lack the serenity, the courage, and the wisdom if you know what i mean. thats what truly pisses me off about 'end of the world' lines like that. horse sh$%!!! i won't accept a poor excuse like that....even from my own dark nightmares comes a fear of failure and even worst
fear of success, but I'm not going to let it cause the panic and ignorance that seems to be running rampant right now.
so i suppose what im trying to say is....we are NOT taking responsibility over our planet like we should be doing. If we are capable we should be practical about this, and when i hear that kind of talk....well, its not empowering or confidence inspiring at all. i just hope we don't bring around some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy like many an individual pessimist does. thats just bad karma folks.
its a poor excuse and i for one refuse to promote it! (IMG:
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