Greetings! I was talking with my Shamanic sister the other day. She belongs to a group of shamans which practice out of Kentucky and thinks very highly of them. They have and do work with many different facets of shamanics and I'm not very privy to their methods, etc. They have an extremely strong code/tradition that they follow (according to my sister) and are not ones to advertise their presence for all to see...though, surprisingly, they do operate a web-site! I have not talked with them about listing this site or, for that matter, much of any info regarding them. I'm sure my dear sister is grateful for that... sister mentioned a group/confederacy/cabal of shamanic-like women named Jaguar Women (I have no idea about whether or not they are related to the Lynn Andrews 'Jaguar Woman' book or not). She claims that they are Dream Masters/DreamWalkers and are very powerful. I'd like to know more...but, alas, there is little published about them that I've been able to find. Does anyone here heard tell of this group of women? I'd certainly be grateful for any info that you could find! They appear to be associated with the SW USA but this may not be universally true as their wanderings have brought them everywhere. I do not know their proclivities...I'd imagine that they are of Twilight but I do not know (Gods, I'm saying that more and more...) Again, any help is appreciated! Thanks!