Yes It is getting of topic here So I may make a new Topic after this. from your explanation the dreaming body isnt even self aware just in a dreaming state.
I am wondering since all you ethric body may get seperated if there is a way to stay aware on the astral body closest to the real time zone astral like an astral projector and be able to survive without running out of energy etc I just see Vampirism as a possible method to avoid the astral body lossing energy. it wont have a connection to the body to exchange energy But can probley train yourself to store large amounts and be able to draw life force from other living things to survive. Is it a possibilty I often wonder.
Just because I am afraid that upon death the ego will merge or mix and will lose its identity without being seperate you may lose all you personality. But imagine being able to roam freely on the real time zone and being able to explore the physical world you could continue to grow and evolve without returning to the source or being reincarnated and forgeting everything. Dont you ever wish to continue as you are?
If that is at all possible it would be worth it to train to leave the body and draw energy and you can try and stay for longer and longer. But again I don't have enough information to be sure. Im just making informed guesses.
I have Invited house guest before. I have stayed in meditation during Evocations with Samagina and have seen what appair to be spirits that have been hovering to the right side of the triangle somewere near were my bed is. unfortunatly It was done in my room so It wasnt easy to sleep. I felt a shiver up my spine when I was noding off. Do you think it is really that dangerous. I wanna learn some necromancy arts safely so I can explore the afterlife without any danger. I know its wierd but it fascinates me I can't help it. But what I should be doing is paying more attention to being carefull having more protection right. I cant keep doing it like that right? And I shouldnt be going to graveyards at the dead of night by my self. Its stupid I wanna experience something paranormal Im always doing stupid things and putting myself at risk. perhaps my horoscope Scropio Moon has something to do with this.
srry for being of topic But it is the Dangerouse like invoking a djin spirit wantedly into you it could be much more dangerous aswell. Wow I have been extremely bussy today. I have done a 2 hour meditation, LBRP LBRH and Middle Piller. aswell as recite the first 2 Enochian calls for half an hour. did a bone divinition. and read a book on Kabbala and Im gonna start the 90 days to OBE by Robert Bruce. Im getting into the Occult again after a long time of not practicing. It feels good. Im gonna get back into the rutine. hopefully this time I'll finsh the mastering astral porojection in 90 days book. I have started and stopped about 10 times now no kidding.
I wanna get the book called The Dark Arts of Immortality: Transformation through War, Sex, & Magic (Paperback) by Ross Shott it sounds like a good read and maybe it has the information I am seeking.
This post has been edited by xXDaemonReignXx: Oct 8 2009, 08:31 AM
“Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.”