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post Sep 27 2009, 05:10 PM
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I know i will get labeled a troll
and people will just get all over me about how
"Magic isnt instant fireworks"

but i'll ask anyways


i dont mean things like "I can see ghosts now"
i mean ways it has actually improved areas of your life

i know people ask this sort of thing alot
"PROvE maGicK Is Real"
im not asking for that
im asking for legitimate success stories
because sometimes it gets difficult practicing something that you have never heard of anybodys success with.
magick isnt common place
and it's existence is very difficult to believe by nature.
let alone the possibility of being GOOD at it
I just
ya know
want some experiences you've had where it helped.
so it feels more acheivable

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post Oct 11 2009, 05:37 PM
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'greatly' improved social skill
cured 'shyness'
cured uncontrolled empathy (same thing as above)
eliminated lifelong pestering by negative entities
developed a great deal of personal empowerment, which are hard to easily quantify or tactfully discuss, but ar particularly relevant to crisis situations.
developed a really great capacity to understand & read others (above & beyond verbal and body language)
cured personal injuries & illness
greatly reduced need for sleep (by more than 50%)
greatly increased mental acuity/physical productivity
accelerated cognitive functioning through revamping 'how' I think (measurable as 20 IQ points)
general well being afforded by adopting various ideals & understandings gained through my occult path
attainment of a relationship which means more to me than anything on this muddy rock
more paradigm shift than you can shake a stick at
become for all intents and purposes, master of my own destiny, even if the steering is not completely under control yet.
vastly improved emotional and mental well being, stability, and fortitude

and have learned to let go of "ideals of success" which focus on useless crr..rud that doesn't last but a fleeting moment. Money, status, selfish love, neediness, insecurity, etc. Not discarding them out of some sort of 'sour grapes' but simply unchaining oneself from a singleminded delusional need for such petty trappings. I find that I typically have somewhat more success by *not* pursuing it like a drooling zombie. but frankly any such success is incidental and inconsequential. I'm capable of getting off on a power trip as much as the next person, but in the end it's pretty meaningless. The question is not whether your TV is bigger than the jones'. But whether you are happy, or whether your mind is more vast, or whether you experience peace or bliss, or whether you are loosed from the waters of samsara. none of which come from your 401k or your trophy husband or whether people in the office think you're cool.

all of which is immediately relevant whether you believe in an afterlife or not. and if you do happen to believe in an afterlife, and/or in an incorporeal facet of life, I could lengthen this list quite a bit.

This post has been edited by Kath: Oct 11 2009, 05:41 PM

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