oh yeah stopping smoking is so simple for me. I don't buy a pack on payday. If I want one I will ask a friend. and Im usually broke so I cant afford it. usually if Ive been smoking alot like the day after a party I will feel the craving again but I dont have cigarettes so It goes away. after a couple days its completely gone again.
If I have a pack of cigarettes next to me. If I feel the craving I cant help it and Ill go and smoke. and smoke some more coz Im bored. then the next day I will need to smoke the same amount. endless cycle.
Only time I smoke is socially when Im drinking or to mix with weed. im gonna stop smoking socially and plan to get a vapor bong and I will be completely tobacco free.
Just coz I already have small amount of emphysema and I cant push it any further without having serious health problems
Kath your co-worker sounds like a lunatic. no reason to swear that much. it just waste air.
This post has been edited by xXDaemonReignXx: Oct 18 2009, 09:07 AM
“Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.”