Marijuana is not physically addictive. Psychologically yes, physically no. Tobacco usage with cannabis can synergistically enhance each other as will any of the nightshade family. No worries about the thread being editted. I'm from the old school where you just didn't start waving flags about drug usage...especially on public forums that allow under age participation. The 'powers-that-be' take a dim view of what they consider to be drug promotion. Need I say more? Big Brother will save us all from ourselves given half the chance!
I've heard that a high vitamin C blast will bring down the effects of cannabis. They're not certain why people get the munchies after smoking. My take is that it fools the bodies Leptin cycle into thinking that it is suffering from low blood sugar...tripping your response to ingest food to make this bloodsugar surfeit cease. The vitamin C usually comes in the form of fruit or berries (sweet stuff - like OJ).But, not all cannabis reacts the same way in our systems. Some give you the ravenous munchies, others no munchies at all! (if anyone knows of a testing site, please let me know! I have a bag already packed! LOL! Amsterdam is too far for this old cripple!)
Addiction, to me, is really easy to deal with. I don't get addicted. I once smoked tobacco...I started after heartattack #1-age 32...(yes, stupid, spare me the lecture) my body said, "**@&**!!!!>?" and I stopped. period. What I did say was "I choose not to smoke today..." That continued until I didn't think of it anymore! Saying you're going to quit and then FAILING is a hard blow to your self-esteem! Who needs that? My method allows anything I beating up on yourself! Low self-esteem = FAIL! Take charge of you. Love yourself. Be Happy!
GAK! enough goodness! Makes me itch! *grin* Besides, pot is the great De-motivator! Great for a vacation but don't abuse it! btw...some pot strains have different turpene levels in them that can, amongst certain people, cause mild to severe panic attacks! I'm not sure if it is interfering with your serotonin levels. People who have strong reactions like this are best not indulging at all! Drug usage may facilitate various mental states that synch with magic use...don't end up relying on drugs to get you where you need to be! Reduce the quantity of your drug until you are using homeopathic concentrations to trigger the springboard effect when using the foreign substance that 'helps' you get to the state you want. It's a short hop from there to then just imaging or using a picture of the drug instead of actually ingesting it! Your mind is all you need! Happy Journey!