Thanks guys. I will check out Chaos Magick.
I have started doing some energy work that is recommended in Astral Dynamics that have been of great help. I also am looking for some good meditation techniques. The one I am using is really just made up by me but it seems to work so I may just stick to that. I have been doing OBE work before I even became interested in magick.
As for Ceremonial practice, I believe I want to read through Modern Magick first and then go back and re-read and find what most interests me. I want to start using the LBRP and Middle Pillar rituals as soon as I find myself comfortable with the rituals. I do live at home while I got to school so I have to watch myself and not be too loud when I am doing these rituals. And at the same time, I cannot really get the setup that is needed for the LBRP but I will do what I can with what I have.
I have started meditating with my tarot cards and have started trying to study the symbolism in the cards. I believe I am making some good progress in my studies, but as far as actually practicing, I am a little behind. But I rather be behind and well educated than going head first into things I have no idea about. Again, thank you. You all have been a great help thus far to me.