Another alternative is to look into Tai Chi or Qigong. A lot of eastern-style exercise focuses on vitality and long life.
Keep your eyes and ears open, more importantly an open mind. Fuse science and magick where you can for the best results.
Another perspective to look at is one's attitude. A friend once said, "People die when they have nothing more to learn from this life, this human experience on earth." So, by that token, one's love of learning could extend one's life, as their will forces them to live longer for the sake of looking for an enriching experience.
¡HA HA! ¡ESTOY USANDO EL INTERNET!- Never learn the Art of Sword before the Art of Dance. - Celtic Proverb- Even with spiritual power, an unchecked ego will only seek to deify itself. - Frank MacEowen- One cannot traverse waters without causing waves. - Xenomancer- I find it interesting that we as scholars of metaphysics have no problem discussing the intricacies of the threads of reality, but when it comes to the things that really matter, we forget them. - Xenomancer- This world is your home. We have a mix of everything here. If you want better, make better. There's no rule of going elsewhere for the tools. That's what magick is about. - Xenomancer