i beleive almost all dreams have something to say. as you might know, if a dream is especially bright and/or vivid than it is usually a "big" dream that needs special attention. if the dream is less vivid and has its average contours the symbols are usually reflective of things going on in your day to day life. look at all aspects of what you remember from the dream and try and link it to how you would acknowledge them in waking life, or what kind of thougts or emotions they bring when going over them. also if you have a reoccuring theme about the train station, couple the literal meaning of your using the traing with what may be a symbolic meaning. bigger dreams usually have less symbolism and would be telling you something much more directly. if you can, try and be able to decipher between a big dream or average dream. a reoccuring dream could be pointing out a sub-consious habit that needs to be summed up. remember to never allow anyone else to definitvely interpret your dreams for you, most of the symbolism is central to your own life and refer to the personal lens you look through wether conscious or subconscious.
in the clear light