QUOTE(azareth @ Apr 30 2009, 01:52 AM)
I didnt re-ignite a match but rather ignited a pile of hay,the dancing flame is a good excercise of pyrokenisis and I do it on a regular bases with good results,I can shape the flame according to my will,duplicate the flame where it becomes two flames,make the flame longer,shorter,move it right,left,up,down and lately i have been able to extinguish it.I am born in a firey house,yet that's not the norm,usually people find themselves connected to an element more than the other regardless what house they are born in,I find Fire to be my closest element,Earth is the hardest and densist to move but with excercise and devotion nothing is impossible,Air is the lightest and therefore easist to move ,for those unsuccesful with pyrokenisis try working with the Air element,then with fire,then water,then earth,weather magick can be so helpfull.
Good luck
How do you begin to work with any element? How do you discover which one (or more) you're most tied to?